Saturday 1 November 2008


Botox treatments seem to be in the news frequently, and one of the most recent. which has incredible life-improving effects, is that for hyperhidrosis, or more commonly known as excess-sweating.
A recent story in the Daily Mail featured a model and actress called Gaynor Carrington who had suffered from excessively sweaty feet for years.
I her own words, "Having sweaty feet sounds like a relatively trivial condition. In fact it has made me utterly miserable. By the time I was in my late 20s it was seriously affecting my career, my personal life and even my personality.
I could never relax. I always had to make sure I had baby wipes with me to wipe my feet down. And i was even beginning to turn down work that involved waring open shoes."
The problem is caused by over-activity of a type of sweat gland called the eccrine gland which are found almost everywhere on the body but in greater quantities on the palms, soles and armpits. Some people suffer from over-production of sweat virtually all the time, not just under normal circumstances such as reducing body heat, nervousness, bodily exertion.
Advanced botox practitioners can provide treatment which paralyses the nerves of the sweat glands, preventing them from releasing fluid. can provide more information and the advanced practitioners to help with this embarassing problem and really help improve the client's esteem.
As Gaynor said, following tretament, " It was the best thing I've ever done. It has completely transformed my life."

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