Monday 25 August 2008

Superbotox Me Channel 4

Did you see it last night!

Well there's no doubt that Botox works as you could see her forehead start to lose lines within a very short time. I wonder how much was injected as it's accepted that effects usually take up to 2 weeks!
Do your research but most importantly get to know your practitioner as you may be using the same one for some time- you need someone you can get along with, but in particular, trust them to give you 'best advice'. Also, use someone who has a good business. This doesn't mean that they are more interested in making money, it means they are good at what they do, and most importantly (and worth stressing in 'bold' type) they will have more experience!
Quite a few nurses and doctors invest in the training to administer botox and fillers but often lack experience as they only treat the odd friend or family member.
So check out their website as a simple way of checking whether they're serious about what they do! If they have an amateur site, their experience may match it!

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